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Case Studies

Case Studies

Airport Security


CW-ASC was engaged by an airports group in the South Pacific that managed a portfolio of over 20 airports. CW-ASC developed a project delivery roadmap, and then executed on over 26 deliverables, including, but not limited to; reviewing and re-writing all security documentation; developing airport security programs for all 22 airports, delivering a report on the legal and regulatory issues hindering the airport group’s implementation of aviation security responsibilities; assisting the airport group become a certified aviation training organisation; delivering a scoping paper on the establishment of an in-house aviation security screening capability, and developing airport emergency plan guidance material to assist airport managers update their emergency plans.


CW-ASC’s delivery success saw the contract extended twice, and the deliverables allowed the airport group to move forward on its substantial project of internal reform.

Secuirty man standing in front of a plane on a airports tarmac



CW-ASC was approached by the ICAO Cooperative Aviation Security Programme Asia Pacific (CASP-AP) to develop a training package to train aviation security screening officers in 28 countries in the Asia Pacific region. CW-ASC developed the training materials, and then subsequently worked with the client to deliver one-on-one support to a number of their Member Countries contextualise and then deliver the materials.


The quality of the product delivered ensured the CW-ASC and CASP-AP relationship, and CW-ASC have now worked with CASP-AP on three additional projects.

A man sitting in training with his noetbook

Crisis Response


Following a successful terrorist bombing of a commercial aircraft, CW-ASC conducted a comprehensive review of the national and airport level aviation security arrangements in a North African State. The review involved full aviation security audits of three key airports, a review of national documentation, and an assessment of the regulator’s aviation security oversight capabilities.


Following the review, CW-ASC delivered a detailed corrective action roadmap. 

Folders with documents for disaster recovery plan
Plane taking off
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